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The idea for this list was inspired by \", _jsx(_components.a, {\n href: \"https://wesbos.com/uses\",\n children: \"Wes Bos\"\n }), \" and \", _jsx(_components.a, {\n href: \"https://marc.dev/uses/\",\n children: \"Marc Backes\"\n }), \".\"]\n }), \"\\n\", _jsxs(_components.blockquote, {\n children: [\"\\n\", _jsxs(_components.p, {\n children: [\"I am always looking for a good gadget or software. Do you have a suggestion? \", _jsx(_components.a, {\n href: \"https://twitter.com/samip4sure\",\n children: \"Hit me up!\"\n })]\n }), \"\\n\"]\n }), \"\\n\", _jsx(_components.hr, {}), \"\\n\", _jsxs(_components.h2, {\n id: \"gears\",\n children: [_jsx(_components.a, {\n className: \"blog__anchor\",\n href: \"#gears\",\n children: _jsx(_components.span, {\n className: \"icon icon-link\"\n })\n }), \"Gears\"]\n }), \"\\n\", _jsxs(_components.ul, {\n children: [\"\\n\", _jsxs(_components.li, {\n children: [\"Laptop - \", _jsx(_components.strong, {\n children: _jsx(_components.a, {\n href: \"https://www.amazon.in/Acer-Aspire-Core-8th-A315-53G-5968/dp/B07YZLMFY4\",\n children: \"Acer Aspire 3 (A315-53G)\"\n })\n })]\n }), \"\\n\", _jsxs(_components.li, {\n children: [\"Mouse - \", _jsx(_components.strong, {\n children: _jsx(_components.a, {\n href: \"https://fantechnepal.com/product/fantech-t532-1-8m-cable-1200dpi-usb-optical-mouse-with-3-buttons-for-home-office/\",\n children: \"Fantech T532\"\n })\n })]\n }), \"\\n\", _jsxs(_components.li, {\n children: [\"Headphone - 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